are control-showing bids in response to a strong 2 opening.
Responder counts an ace as two controls and a king as one.
2 = 0 or 1 control
2 = 2 controls
2 = 3 controls but specifically an ace and a king
2NT = three kings
3 = 4 controls
3 = 5 or more controls
3/3 = one loser suits opposite a singleton
play a variation where 2 shows an ace and a king in the
same suit. Then 2NT shows three kings or an ace and a king
in separate suits. In the example hand, East-West were
using the variation. If East-West were using the simple
step responses, West could bid 6NT directly over 2NT (showing
3 kings). Quiz
question: When would it be wrong for West to jump to 6NT
over 2NT (showing 3 kings)?