plays a low card on the spade lead.
do you lead to the next trick?
This hand is from the John Roberts Cavendish
Teams, held in Las Vegas this year. At the other table East
opened a strong club, and Sweden's Peter Fredin, sitting South,
overcalled 5!
This got doubled and Fredin scored 11 tricks for +650. A nice
swing for his side, right?
At the other table, after the auction in the diagram, with
Meckstroth and Rodwell in the N-S seats, a doubled slam was
bid and made.
led the ace of spades and switched to a diamond. East didn't
mind that until it was ruffed. Declarer then led a spade to
the king, ruffed a second diamond low, ruffed a club and ruffed
the last diamond in dummy with the 8 of hearts. He then proceeded
to crossruff the rest of the tricks, ruffing four clubs in
dummy and three spades in his hand with the AKQ of hearts.
Score: 1210.
hold declarer to 11 tricks, West must shift to a trump.