lead: 8
South won the first trick, he cashed two top trumps and saw
he needed a trump coup to make the grand slam. He needed 3
entries to dummy. He led the 2 of clubs to the 9! Then he
a spade and led the king of clubs to the ace. Then he ruffed
a club
and led the 9 of diamonds to the king. At this point, South
the Q-10 of hearts and A-J of diamonds. Dummy held the jack
of spades and three high clubs. East held Q-4 of spades and
J-8 of hearts. Declarer led clubs from dummy and East was
caught in the trump coup.
destroy the trump coup, West must play the queen of clubs
when the 2 is led at trick four.
the way, this is not a good hand for the rule: "The safest
lead against a grand slam is a trump." Have a nice weekend!