everyone plays Stayman, people take it for granted and forget
to discuss. What happens if you find a fit and want to try
for slam.
you hold today's North hand. You would like to investigate
a slam in spades, but if partner holds weak trumps, or if
you are off the first two club tricks, you don't want to go
past the four level. How can you find out this information?
Major Slam Try after Stayman
partner answers Stayman with a major-suit response, responder
bids THE OTHER MAJOR AT THE THREE LEVEL to show support of
opener's major with a slam try.
the fourth example, responder was unable to bid the other
major at the three-level, so he must bid 4.
This leaves very little room for investigating, but it is
better than nothing and is consistent with the other three
After three cuebids, the auction comes to a halt in 4,
each player having shown slam interest. Without anything extra,
neither player goes past 4.
It was a delicate auction, with the help of today's convention.