Opening lead: J
hand is from a Bermuda Bowl final in Stockholm. I was playing
with Bobby Wolff. West, Benito Garozzo, led the jack of spades
against my 4
contract. I won in hand and led a heart to the 9. Giorgio
Belladonna, East, won the trick with the queen and returned
a spade to the ace. I cashed the ace of hearts, Garozzo following
with the 10. Then I led a heart toward the K-8 as Belladonna
followed low. Would you finesse the 8 or play the king?
I still had to give up a club, I couldn't afford for the trumps
to break 4-2. I needed a 3-3 split; then I'd have a trump
left after losing a club trick. So I went up with the king
of hearts. But Garozzo showed out. At this point, what would
you do?