Opening lead: 4
South, what is your line of play?
you try to play golf or tennis blindfolded? Not a good idea,
is it? But most players do this at bridge. If you're ever
to amount to anything at this game, you must build up a picture
of the opponents' hands. I was South on today's hand.
were my thoughts when dummy came down. West didn't hold the
king-queen of hearts or ace-king of diamonds; otherwise he
would have led one of them. So East held at least the king
of diamonds and queen of hearts. West's lead wasn't a singleton
or we would have heard from East in the auction. The king
of clubs was almost surely with West, for the same reason.
I hoped it was a doubleton king.
won the lead in dummy and led a club to the ace. When the
king fell, I realized I had to lead another club from dummy
to pick up East's remaining J-9-7 for one loser. So I cashed
the king of spades and led one to the queen. Then I led a
club, hoping that West held only two trump. East split by
playing the 9 (otherwise I'd stick in the 8), and when my
queen held, I drew the last trump and gave up a club.
tip: Build up a picture of your opponents' hands.