pick up the North hand in today's diagram. Partner opens 1
and West passes. What is your call.
Your choices (based on your convention card) are:
(Jacoby, game force, four trump)
(limit raise, inviting game)
(preemptive, usually 5 trump, 0-9 oints with a singleton).
you bid 2NT, forcing to game, you did good. When this hand
was played in a $12,000 Bridge Pro Tour Individual, most North
players bid 3
and South passed. But 11 tricks were there with the help of
a finesse in spades and two club ruffs. If you jumped to 4
over 1,
also take full credit for getting your partnership to game.
lesson here is that you should be very wary of inviting game
with a hand that might produce game opposite a minimum opening
bid. Even if the South hand was 5233 shape, with three diamond
losers, game would be on a finesse, and South wouldn't even
hold a full opening bid!